Reiki Spiritual Energy Healing

Reiki is a spiritual energy healing practice that originated in Japan. Reiki means “universal life-force energy” – its the energy that makes all living things alive. This vital energy is within us, AND all around us. With a Reiki session, the practitioner is trained to pull in extra Reiki energy to their body and transmit it to the client to increase the flow of life-force energy flowing through the client’s body. This life-force energy has an intelligence of its own and is protective and safe. Remember – its the energy you already have inside of you – running all of your bodily systems with order and wisdom. A Reiki session simply increases the flow of that energy.

Reiki helps shift the nervous system out of fight/flight and into rest/digest/heal mode. Reiki feels deeply relaxing, rejuvenating, and warm, and leaves you in a deep state of peace and calm. Sometimes it can feel like you are transported to a peaceful dream-space while not fully asleep. Reiki helps gently reconnect you with your core Self by gently dissolving blocks that have developed over time going through life’s trials and tribulations. Sometimes profound spiritual experiences can happen with Reiki.

I have been practicing Reiki for a decade, and over that time this practice has increased my ability to sense subtle sensations and energy, and has increased my intuition. I typically receive intuitive information during a Reiki session on a new client for the first few sessions. I share any intuitive feedback with my client after the session so the client can use that information to their benefit. Oftentimes that intuitive information includes how energy is flowing or is blocked in various parts of their energy body and why that pattern has developed. 

Reiki is a complementary alternative therapy, so it does not interfere with other therapeutic modalities – the opposite is true – it amplifies the benefits of other modalities a client is also receiving.

Individual Sessions ($60/hour)

30 to 60 minutes

Reiki + Aromatherapy

Add essential oils to your Reiki session for an extra $5

Distance Reiki ($15/15 mins)

15 to 30 minutes

Travel Reiki – In-Home Reiki and Business Reiki

I travel to you, within the Starksboro/Lincoln/Bristol area, bringing my portable Reiki table to give you Reiki in your own home. I travel beyond this area for a  travel charge of $.55 per mile.

I offer Reiki (mini-sessions, usually 15 minutes) within businesses for employees. This can be on-going or for special events.

Classes (One-on-one or Small group)

Reiki Level 1, Reiki Level 2, Reiki Master Teacher Level

Contact me if interested in taking a class.

brown wooden letter blocks on white surface